
Hi there. My name is Yuchen. I am a software engineer.

I am currently working on the infrastructure team at Meta, where I build capacity management tooling. I worked on both physical capacity management (similar to AWS EC2) and virtual capacity management (such as Async, Manifold, etc.). Both are NP-hard problems at the core that require a lot of thought and care.

Previously, I worked at Hopper building a product for selling flights, hotels, and various ancillaries. We use Scala, Kafka, HBase, Spanner, Airflow, etc. I also spent a big chunk of my time building mobile apps. Check out our app on iOS or Android!

I was born and raised in China and now living in Canada. Outside work, I play chess (both Chinese and international chess), badminton, table tennis. I go bouldering and skating occasionally. I play guitar but am still a beginner. After Covid, I also start fishing during summers. Aside from those, I also write technical blogs on Medium, follow me there!

  • Leave TODO with name
  • Multiple small pull requests
  • Fix all warnings
  • Delete dead code
  • Work on meaningful things
  • Ship fast and iterate